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Monday, August 15, 2011

kyogre(legends awakened)

this is a basic, water type Pokemon card with an hp of 100.This card has a x2 weakness to electric type Pokemon, no resistance type, and a three colorless energy card retreat cost. It doesn't have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body but it does have two moves, the first move is called Drizzle and for no energy cards you can choose up to two water energy cards from your hand and attach them to one of your Pokemon. Kyogre's second move is called High Tide which does 60 damage for three energy cards, 2 water and 1 colorless, besides doing the damage to the active Pokemon this move also does 20 damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokemon. The only downfall of this move is that you have to discard two water energy cards attached to Kyogre when using this move.I dont exactly have this card if i did have 2 or 3 of them i would have them in my water deck. so thanks of readings todays review and come back and read tomarrows

Sunday, August 14, 2011


This is a stage 2, darkness type Pokemon card with an hp of 140. It has a +30 weakness to fighting type Pokemon, a -20 resistance to psychic type Pokemon, and a four colorless energy card retreat cost. Its Poke-Body is called Darkness Drive which says that if your opponent uses a Poke-Power you may search your discard pile for a darkness energy card and attach it to Tyranitar. Tyranitar has two moves, the first move is called Grind and it requires two colorless energy cards and does 20 damage times the number of energy cards you have attached to Tyranitar. Tyranitar's other move is called Spinning Tail which does 30 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon for 5 darkness energy cards. As far as strategy goes, if you want to use Spinning Tail you'll have to keep Tyranitar on your bench for awhile to get some energy on it. I would use this card with other spread damage Pokemon, that way if I did use Spinning Tail it may knock out many Pokemon in two turns of Spinning Tail. But if you do have to put Tyranitar in before it had 5 energy cards on it you could always use Grind and do at max 80 before you could use Spinning Tail. I would give this card a 3 out of 5, I am rating it an average card because even though it has the potential to do a lot of damage to a lot of Pokemon at once I think it is way too slow and it has an extremely high retreat cost.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

garados homade pokemon card review

This is a stage 2 pokemon. it evolves from magikarp. its first attack is water dropletts. It is a poke-power. It states that you serch your deck for 3 basic water energys then discard a card from your hand. this attack does 30 times the ammount of energys you get from your deck. The next attack garados haves is fish slither. It states that you flip 2 coins if one of those coins is tails discard 3 energys. if they are both tails this attack does nothing. if they are both heads this attack does 60 damage. So tell me what you think of this card and i will be doing more reviews like this and if you want you can submit your homemade pokemon card to me and i will review it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

dark charizard(team rocket)

Today I thought I would do something a little old. This is a stage 2, fire type Pokemon card, with an hp of only 80. It has a x2 weakness to water type Pokemon, a -30 resistance type, and a high retreat cost of 3 colorless energy cards. Charizard doesn't have a Poke-Power but it does have two moves, the first move is called Nail Flick and this move does 10 damage for one colorless energy card. Charizard's second move is called Continuous Fireball and this move requires 2 fire energy cards and does 50 damage times the number of heads you get when you flip the amount of times you have energy cards and for each head you get it does 50 damage but you also have to discard that energy card too. So as far as strategy goes I would try and use Continuous Fireball every turn even though this probably won't be possible since you'll hope to get a lot of heads every time you use this move and be able to do lots of damage. I would use this card to specifically knock out Pokemon with a lot of damage in one move, I would load this card up with lets say 4 energy cards and hope for at least 2 heads that way it could do 100 damage that turn and more than likely knock out that Pokemon and then still be able to use Continuous Fireball the next turn. I can't really rate this card since it is an older card but I don't think it has very good hp and it has a good move but it probably can only do major damage once before waiting a few turns to do damage again.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

salemence ex card review

Salamence is a stage 2 water type ex Pokemon card with an hp of 160. It has a x2 weakness to colorless Pokemon and a resistance of -30 to both fire and fighting type Pokemon. And Salamence has a somewhat cheap retreat cost for an ex card with a cost of two colorless energy cards. I really like Salamence's Poke-Power called Type Shift which lets you change Salamence's type from water to fire for one turn. So by doing this you can basically become a Pokemon type that many many Pokemon are weak to and be able to do even more damage than Salamence can already do. Besides the Poke-Power Salamence has two moves, the first is called Claw Swipe and this move does 60 hp damage for 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 water. Salamence's second move is called Dual Stream and this move takes 4 energy cards, 2 water and 2 colorless, this move does an incredible 80 hp unless you want to do 40 hp to the active Pokemon then you can do 40 more damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokemon. So as far as strategy it is really straightforward if you have 4 energy cards on Salamence definitely use Dual Stream and do the full 80 damage unless, 40 hp will knock out the Pokemon or the Pokemon is weak and it won't matter if it is out there for more than one turn. thanks for checking out another one of my card reviews and be sure to read them all if you havnt and i hope you enjoyed