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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

salemence ex card review

Salamence is a stage 2 water type ex Pokemon card with an hp of 160. It has a x2 weakness to colorless Pokemon and a resistance of -30 to both fire and fighting type Pokemon. And Salamence has a somewhat cheap retreat cost for an ex card with a cost of two colorless energy cards. I really like Salamence's Poke-Power called Type Shift which lets you change Salamence's type from water to fire for one turn. So by doing this you can basically become a Pokemon type that many many Pokemon are weak to and be able to do even more damage than Salamence can already do. Besides the Poke-Power Salamence has two moves, the first is called Claw Swipe and this move does 60 hp damage for 3 energy cards, 2 colorless and 1 water. Salamence's second move is called Dual Stream and this move takes 4 energy cards, 2 water and 2 colorless, this move does an incredible 80 hp unless you want to do 40 hp to the active Pokemon then you can do 40 more damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokemon. So as far as strategy it is really straightforward if you have 4 energy cards on Salamence definitely use Dual Stream and do the full 80 damage unless, 40 hp will knock out the Pokemon or the Pokemon is weak and it won't matter if it is out there for more than one turn. thanks for checking out another one of my card reviews and be sure to read them all if you havnt and i hope you enjoyed

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